Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Point of No Return


So I fell off the blog-wagon for the last little bit. I've just been incredibly busy with blah blah. However, there is some a lot of good news I would like to update on.

I must admit that I can be quite the procrastinator when I know I have time to get things done. That is, until I realize I only have just over a month to get my act together. I really needed to have several of these errands done in order to officially be able to attend Yonsei University in the fall.
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1) Apply for my Visa: PENDING

Unfortunately, this is the only thing pending on my list. On Thursday, July 14 I am heading downtown to the Korean Embassy to apply for my D-2 visa. I will apply for an open-entrance visa so that I can leave and enter the country on several occasions. This is due to the fact that I plan to travel a lot
Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand . . . 

Finally I have all my paperwork ready. This includes: a bank statement with $10 000 USD or more, visa pictures, passport original and photocopy, $80.00 cash, completed application form, flight itinerary, admission letter to Yonsei University, SFU transcript. 

The visa should take about a week to process. 

2) Purchase a flight ticket: CHECK

Because I was so busy lazy, I asked my dad to call a Korean flight centre to check up on flight tickets for me. He has always been the hard-working, get-er-done, proud-korean type so naturally I knew I could depend on him to be more than excited and find the best possible ticket deal. 

Note, it is super helpful to go to a Korean Flight Centre when purchasing tickets to Korea. Employees speak both English and Korean; as well as, they seem to know the best deals and communicate very efficiently. 

There is a current promotion going on for $1290.00 tax incl., Korean Air, round trip, direct flight, and open-ended. Open-ended flight means that I can decide to change the date of my return flight whenever I please as long as it is within the next 6 months of my departure. My flight will be departing YVR on August 22 so that I can arrive August 23, the day of dormitory check in. As I do not have my Visa yet, they were able to hold my seat for 2weeks.

Note, it's cheaper to leave after August 20 because that is when high season ends.

4) Apply for IYC Airport buddy pick-up: CHECK

IYC airport buddy pick-up program is a great way for exchange students to meet local students and get to Yonsei University safely. IYC is a student club at Yonsei University that links local and exchange students together. The program is meant to help exchange students settle in. 

Two local Korean students will be waiting for me when I arrive at Incheon Intl. Airport with great big "Michelle" signs.

5) Get accepted into SK Global House (Yonsei University's Intl. Exchange dormitory): CHECK

I applied for housing a couple of months ago. Yonsei University has two dormitories for exchange students. I-House and SK Global House. SK Global House is the newer, "nicer" dormitory, so I applied there.

I applied to stay in a room with two beds, meaning I will have a room mate. I know its a big change from my life right now. Living on my own for the past 5 years has allowed to me to have my own space and to do things according to my rules. Living with a complete stranger from another part of the world will be quite the experience. However, I thought this would be the best way to make friends! 

Also, the price is significantly lower at 1 587 000 Won for twin bedroom compared to 2 394 000 Won for single bedroom (1000 won is apprx. 1 dollar).


I am so thrilled to announce I have been accepted to SK Global House. All I can say is... I hope I like my room mate and I hope she likes me!

6) Wait for my acceptance in the Morning Korean Language Course: CHECK

As mentioned in early blog posts, learning Korean is the absolute most important goal on my Korean bucket list.

The Morning Korean Language Course is very intensive. It involves learning Korean from Monday-Friday from 9AM-1PM. It is equivelant to 6 credits (2 courses). In addition, they only accept 50 students per semester. 

I am pleased to announce I have been accepted into this program! I cannot wait to be transformed into a real life Korean. 
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So this is my update... I am at the point of no return and I can safely say... KOREA HERE I COME!!!

