Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Have you ever paused to think about how repetitive, or typical your life has become? This is a thought that has been hovering in my mind for a while. What bothers me more is how comfortable I am with the constant repetition of my daily routine. 

I read somewhere that we are so conditioned to automatically running patterns, that coming up with new ideas and approaches to things may be too much effort to even bother. It's easier to stick with what we comfortable with, then actually make a conscious effort to "interrupt" those patterns.

I realize that too often I eat the same foods, have the same conversations or find myself hanging out at the same local venues. Don't get me wrong. I love the faces I am so fortunate to see everyday and the amazing opportunities this city and country offer, but there is a tiny part of me screaming for new challenges and expectations. I know Seoul will provide just that.

The moment I say goodbye to my loved ones at YVR and walk onto that +15 hour flight, is the moment I'm all on my own, regardless if I then realize I really want to be or not. I am excited, happy but also scared. I can't help but constantly wonder how I will feel in Korea. Will I love it, hate it? Did I just commit myself into 4 months of loneliness and regret or will it be the best experience of me life?

Ultimately, I hope my experience in Korea and travelling to neighbouring countries will really help me appreciate my life in Vancouver. Too often I think I take it for granted. But most of all I hope it will help me look at the world with a new perspective and passion for life.



Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Yonsei University?

The prospect of earning a spot in SFU's international exchange program can be very exciting yet daunting at times. The most challenging part for me was having to decide which university to attend--although coordinating and submitting all the required documents was quite the pain as well.

I knew I would be attending one of the SKY universities. For those of you who don't know, SKY refers to Korea's top universities: Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University. Ultimately, I chose Yonsei University because of its internationalized academics, dynamic social life and close proximity to Seoul's entertainment districts.

Yonsei University offers an intensive Morning Korean Language Course where I will have the opportunity to study Korean from Monday-Friday, 4-hours a day for 10 weeks. There is no way I will come back less than fluent in Korean after this course.  In addition, Yonsei University offers a multitude of courses taught in English that I can transfer back to SFU. These courses are open to local and exchange students.

I am confident that I will build amazing, life-long networks because local and exchange students are encouraged to interact with one another via courses, student clubs, outings and buddy programs. As I tend to get homesick easily, it is essential for me to make solid friendships to share the Korean experience with.

With my new friends I will be able to experience contemporary Korean culture by visiting Seoul's entertainment districts. Yonsei's students have no trouble visiting Seoul's entertainment district because Yonsei University is situated in the heart of Seoul which is Shinchon, Hongdae and Edae. These three areas are filled with restaurants, shopping, clubs, lounges, spas you name it!

Talking about it makes me excited and I can't wait to experience it all but not without a student visa.  Next week I will be applying for a student visa and a traveling visa that will allow me into neighbouring countries.



Why am I Seoul Searching?

TESTING... testing. Is anyone there? Well probably not. Anyways, I am very new to the world of blogging or even writing out my thoughts as writing isn't always my forte. BUT I thought as this is such a monumental moment in my life and something I have been looking forward to for so long I must keep record. Also, because I may be too busy will be too lazy to email everyone individually.

This will be the space for friends, family, peers and future exchange students to check up on the next six months of my travels to... drum roll please... Seoul, South Korea-- as if the title didn't give it away.

So, why Seoul, South Korea you ask? In short, I see the exchange as crucial to coalescing my past with my future.

As a third generation Canadian of Korean heritage, I am thoroughly Westernized. As many of you may know, I am unfamiliar with the Korean history, language and many aspects of contemporary Korean culture. You know when you should be embarrassed when your white or brown friends know more about k-pop, and the language more than you do. This has left me somewhat alienated from the Korean community here. For once, I'd like to order food in a Korean restaurant without having to speak English or watch k-dramas with English subtitles.

Growing up, I've built a powerful desire to find belonging in my Korean heritage. More significantly, it is my grandmother aka "hal-mu-nee"aka "harmony"-- my strongest link to Korea-- who crystallizes the importance to my heritage.My "harmony" is one of the most important individuals in my life. We have always been so close despite the wall of communication barriers we face. My "harmony"can only speak Korean and understand minimal English. I am the opposite. It is my life-long goal to share a long, intimate conversation with her without any confusion. Yonsei University's free 16-week Korean Language Course will help achieve this goal.

So there you have it, I will be studying and residing at Yonsei University from August-January via SFU's International Exchange program. Are you wondering why I went with Yonsei University rather than other respected universities in South Korea? Stay tuned...


Michelle, Kimchi